Almost resembling the area From the old DFO NA version THE OTHERVERSE,
Mirror Arad Dungeon fighters walk thru a cracked Time Space continuum into
A mirror plane of the Identical Hendon Myre West Coast Post Metastasis.
Since the great Metastasis, Most of Arad was Ravaged into a semi-oblivious state.
Some of the Most Notable NPC's within the game were no longer available.
Those NPCS are:
- Lorraine Korkano
- Loton Maximug
- Orca
Questing in this area is based on random missions, Dungeon fighters may or may not
End up in the Dungeon of their own choice, but have to face the same level or expertise for
A total of 10 daily quest that can be done.
The great will of CARLOSO, which is supposedley scattered throughout the Mirror Arad
Plane as you aid Annis in a mission to united all these scattered energys so that the Great will
Can become whole again.
As a permanent addition to the DFOG line-up after this event is over Neoples May
Add more Mirror Arad dungeon to Enter.
Dungeon Fighters can enter Mirror Arad with dungeons from either Bwanga's Camp,
Blood sands, Lorien Forest, GBL Laboratory and everything in between.
Some of the old dungeons even give you goosebumps due to the fact that some of this content was forever gone in Metastasis.