Although Seria has no real memories of her past, [who she was,
where she came from,] She has been the greatest aide to
All dungeon fighters in the quest against the evils that plauge Arad.
Seria's true origins all clouded in mystery, Yet she posseses
Extensive knowledge of most things and information on specific
Areas and dungeons located throughout Arad.
Seria was first found in Lorien forest, Where she sought aide from the Dungeon fighters.
In return for saving her, She has vowed to travel along with you and aide you in your quests
Against Evil.
Let us explore a theory that that you might find very interesting that may shed some light
On the true origins of Seria Kirmin.
Seria is much older that you think to be [she is actually over 1000 years old], Yet when you
First meet her, she is 18 years old [as a Human.]
Seria Throughout her total aide to Dungeon Fighters Has Never aged.
Just how is this possible?
Let us go back to a time when the Continent of Arad was still in it's infancy and much
Of the stories that took place in or Around Lorien Forest had yet to take place.
Seria is actually one of the elves that dissapeared in Lorien forest following the great
Devolution, One of the super advanced species of elves Seria herself may have been one of
The Apostles, [The one that knows All secrets.]
Being a resident of Lorien Forest, where Seria and her brothers resided, Seria may have
Known the Apostles Hilders true intentions from the very start.
Seria Being one that "knows all secrets", may have held the ultimate recipe of alchemy:
"The potion of complete and total immortality"
With this potion -the one who drinks from it's flask is granted complete immortality, to
Never age, Or grow old ever.
This Potion caught the attention of the Dragon King Bakal, He thought that with such
A potion, He could finally put an end to Hilder's selfish plot.
Lorien Forest - The original dungeon from Hendon Myre
Bakal then set out to attack the residence of Lorien Forest, Burning it to the ground,
This is where Seria's brothers sacrificed thier own lives to portect thier home and
To protect Seria.

If you look closely enough, There are several 'Neatly Stacked'
Rock formations in the dungeon, These are what remained of
The Elves sacrifice to protect thier home and to protect Seria.
Bakal was unsuccessful in attaining the immortality formula and thought that seria had
Perished what he didn't realize is , Something did happen to Seria- She changed.
Seria Changed From Elf - to Human.
Since then she has been wandering
Lorien Forest, with no memory of her
Alhtough she does say that her surroundings
look very familiar, she has no recollection
of past events and her past life.
She did her best to evade monsters from
the spreading devolution and sought the
Aide of the Dungeon Fighters.
This may be the only thing that has put a 'Monkey Wrench" in Hilder's Plot, Hilder Deemed
Seria to have perished at the Hands of Dragon King bakal. What hilder did not realize that
Seria is now a Young 18 year human aiding Dungeon Fighters.
Until Hilder realizes that Seria is still alive - Her ultimate plot will never really come to
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