

Sunday, February 28, 2016


Almost resembling the area From the old DFO NA version  THE OTHERVERSE,
Mirror Arad Dungeon fighters walk thru a cracked Time Space continuum into
A mirror plane of the Identical Hendon Myre West Coast Post Metastasis.


Since the great Metastasis, Most of Arad was Ravaged into a semi-oblivious state.
Some of the Most Notable NPC's within the game were no longer available.
Those NPCS are:

  • Lorraine Korkano
  • Loton Maximug
  • Orca
Since Mirror Arad is set only to one Area, West coast - These NPC's Live once more.

Questing in this area is based on random missions, Dungeon fighters may or may not
End up in the Dungeon of their own choice, but have to face the same level or expertise for
A total of 10 daily quest that can be done.

The great will of CARLOSO, which is supposedley scattered throughout the Mirror Arad
Plane as you aid Annis in a mission to united all these scattered energys so that the Great will
Can become whole again.

As a permanent addition to the DFOG line-up after this event is over Neoples May
Add more Mirror Arad dungeon to Enter.


Dungeon Fighters can enter Mirror Arad with dungeons from either Bwanga's Camp,
Blood sands, Lorien Forest, GBL Laboratory and everything in between.
Some of the old dungeons even give you goosebumps due to the fact that some of this content was forever gone in Metastasis.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Auxilium gaming Forums

Auxilium Gaming Forums - A vibrant community of faithful DFOG players.

Formerly known as Team Pwn, Auxilium was a site set-up
for all gamers to keep playing DFO, Or in this case - The Chinese Counterpart CDNF.
All were welcomed, And once again gamers could relish in the nostalgia that is DFO.
Not only Did Auxilium assist others in gaining access to
 CDNF, But other mmo's titles as well.

In Mid March 2014 Neoples Made a Media-Wide announcement that there would be a
Re-release of the popular mmo Dungeon Fighter Online. Many gamers took this as
cruel Joke alongside deep umbrage from Nexon who had closed DFO , 
 Many gamers thought that was the end.

Auxilium was even skeptical of the this announcement, Just to be sure,
They made some of their own research. It was clear that DFO was indeed going to be released,
But not by Nexon any more, Instead it was Neoples at the Helm front and center.
Upon Opening DFO's doors once more, gamers flocked by the Hundreds, 
True to Neoples ,DFO would be now a Global release known as DFOG.
Auxilium assured gamers, That indeed the announcements were valid- 
The rest my dear friends is History.

 Kritika online with a full
Active English guild, the adventure NEVER ends!

 Adding variety to the line-up Auxilium gaming
Also partakes in Guild Wars 2.

Are you the one player that is looking to share some of your DFOG expertise?
Or, Do you want to experience the Rush of Kritika?
Or maybe you want to Join-up with your friends in Guild-Wars 2?

Come and see what Auxilium is all about! Come and be part of the conversation!

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Dungeon Spotlight - Behemoth

Behemoth, A giant whale that swims in middle ocean. Atop of this massive mammal, co-exists
a whole community of shop owners and the entire order of the Grand Blue Loren.

File:Behemoth Screen.png
Dungeon Fighters upon reaching post level 40, can now access this area, With the help of Kargon's Magatha, You soon learn that he is smitten with Seria Kirmin.
"Without Audacity, There is no battle..."

Post Act 2 Season 1 Reborn

Much of the quests are still the same except for notable differences in dungeons.
Before the Update, It was a a bit redundant to finish quests, whereas you had to physically click
The icon corresponding to your quest.

After the new update, Quests are now streamlined, dissasembling weapons for cubes is also made easier.

The New Story:

Finding yourself in Behemoth, you meet the new leader of the order Ophellia Bagrans
Who welcomes you in your quest for the truth.
You seek answers, following the phenomena of the black nightmare you believe to be the culprit
behind all of Behemoth's troubles.

Ophellia reassures you that all is well, Many of her own followers of the GBL lost their own lives
To ensure certain magical seals were in place, But you believe otherwise.
With the aide of Vaughn ,One of the legendary swordmans from the old screaming cavern,
Leaves you with Aganzo as you first gather enough proof to show Ophellia that all is not well.
Eventually, Ophellia finally admits her mistake, She realizes that it's not the phenomena of the black
Nightmare, But the mind influence of Apostle Lotus himself.

Even the Whale Behemoth was trembling more and more , to many what seemed as earthquakes.
It was clear that Behemoth was resisting the Apostle lotus, but for how long?

Eventhough sky tower is now shattered remants of what it used to be, Bakals Seal still is in tact
To prevent other from traveling into Empyrean.

Before the final showdown with Lotus, one of Vaughns companions goes missing.
Low ranking Lynn has sucumbed to Apostles mind attacks.
As you try and rescue her, Lotus Kills her, but at least you brought her back to Vaughn.
In a final Showdown you and the legendary swordmans finally kill Lotus.

Lotus last words to the swordman were : " Let me ask you this, Am I evil?, At least to you I am",
"You are no different than me." I almost felt sorry for Lotus, Almost.